Sunday, 19 April 2009

Sainsbury and Coeliac

I've been really impressed that Sainsbury don't sit on the fence as far as their own brand food is concerned. They are using a symbol to positively say that items are suitable for coeliacs. This takes a lot of the guess work out of food labelling and makes them better than the other large food retailers. Nice one!


  1. I had some concerns on a recent visit to my local Sainsbury in Luton as there were some examples of cross-contamination and incorrect storage of some GF and non-GF foods.

    However, after I spoke to the in-store manager and emailed Sainsbury's HQ directly the three issues were sorted out within 24 hours and they thanked me for my concern.

    They also offered to send me a Coeliacs Guide to Sainsbury's Food and Drink. It's very good, a shame I had to complain to get a copy though!?

    Worth requesting a copy.

  2. Cheers Richard, I will get one. You're right, it is a shame to ahve to complain but they do have them!
