Sunday, 4 October 2009

Dr Schar Breakast Rolls

Having gone to the South of France, the Dr Shar breakfast rolls are now on sale in our local Morrisons under the Dietary Specials brand. Makes me feel less guilty about croissants for the rest of the family and Niall really likes them!

1 comment:

    My name is Kate Armstrong-Cornelius and I'm really interested in carrying out some research with people who are coeliacs. I'm carrying out some research over the next few weeks and in return for about 45 minutes of your time [on the telephone at my expense at a time convenient to you], we are offering an incentive of £20. As someone who contributes to a Coeliac community, perhaps you can help us recruit some people who are Coleliacs? [in return for an incentive too!] - please email me on and I can send you some more information and you can get back to me stating whether you think you would like to help or not?
    Best wishes, Kate.
